Saturday, June 9, 2012

I'm coming out!

The political season is gearing up - let's all take a collective moment to roll our eyes, groan, turn our heads and wretch, etc. Face it - a good portion of us, dare I say, most of us, can't stand being constantly barraged by the television ads, the phone calls, the crap fastened to our screen doors with rubber's during this time I am most thankful for the DVR and the fact that we don't have a land line. It's also during this time I wish we could just wrap the house up in a big plastic bubble to keep out all the political trash that comes in droves.

I'll admit to being a bit of a Facebook junky. But for all you people out there who think I'm on "all the time" - you have no idea. The only thing that keeps me on for more than 10 minutes at a time is Bejeweled and Words With Friends. But I digress. As the political season gears up, so do the Facebook postings about different issues and politicians. I find it interesting to read the different links and stories people comment about, but what I find most interesting is the number of people who don't want to be my friend because of the way I vote. I can see a puzzled look on some of your faces right now.

Well, be puzzled no more; I'm a Republican. I did not vote for Obama, and I won't the second time around, and no, I do not feel as if I "owe it to my people" - but that's a whole different post. Do I march in lock step with all the policies of the Republican Party? Hell no. Just as I am sure that you do not agree with all the policies of your party. I do not support the death penalty, although I struggle with what would be a just punishment for people who destroy human life without any intention of reform. But as far as I'm concerned their "punishment" is for God to decide. I am pro-life, but I'm certainly not going to force any decision upon you. But I can't in good conscience vote any other way. Do I believe everyone should have access to health care? Absolutely. Do I think we should give that responsibility to the federal government? Hell no. They are poor stewards of the money we give them already, and there are few things in the business world (or any other world, for that matter) they have proven they can do better than the private sector. Yes, I recycle. But I will never buy a hybrid car - they are still just too hideous, and the chic ones are too expensive for me. And yes, I occasionally shop at Wal-Mart. Sorry, people, but until you pay my bills you have no right to tell me where to shop, and I shudder to think of all those people who would be out of a job if we shut them down just a mile down the road from my house.

Being a Republican doesn't mean I am less intelligent. It doesn't mean I am cold hearted. It doesn't mean I am a racist. It just means I think differently than many of you. I would dare say that most of my friends are non-Republicans, and there are only a few with which I've been able to have an intelligent, non-combative conversation about politics and ideas. I find that very sad, and I think part of the blame goes to the manipulative press and politicians. The other part of the blame goes to ourselves for allowing them to manipulate us into thinking that we should hate each other.

So, I hope you will still be my friend. If you won't, we'll, that's your choice. I am still the same person you knew before you read this. I like you, and to be honest I could care less who you vote for as long as you make an informed decision and vote your conscience. But please stop calling me stupid and saying you hate all Republicans. Because I can guarantee you, there are at least one or two who love you very deeply.

1 comment:

  1. Good article. We have a mutual Facebook friend, Tyler B., who shared your article on his wall. It was a good piece filled with simple honesty.
